My Stealth accounts may become restricted soon...advice. - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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eBay Suspensions General issues related to eBay Suspensions. Mostly geared towards

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Old 11-04-2011
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Default My Stealth accounts may become restricted soon...advice.

I've had 4 Stealth accounts since June and have been doing perfectly. But, my dumb ass decided to press my luck and call ebay to raise some of my selling limits over the holidays. It worked perfectly on the first call. No questions or anything. BTW, I called using Google Talk's call forwarding and did a check before I called to make sure the number shows up correctly.

Skip ahead to the next call. The guy sounds nice enough and says he can raise my selling limits but I just have to hold. Red flag. So when he comes back on he says my acct is linked to another acct that has an $11 balance. I tell him the acct isn't mine (it is) and I've had fraud effect me before. Whatever. So, he says if I just pay the $11 balance he can get me set up no prob. But, the issue really isn't the $11, it's the fact that that acct is linked to other accts (most likely) that got restricted as well. So, it's one big daisy chain. I clear my cookies and switch to my neighbors internet provider and he tells me to log into this acct. so I can pay the $11. I log in and low and behold I don't even owe money. Ebay owes me money!! Not that I was going to admit the acct was even mine. So, he says it's all good and closes the acct and says there are no limits on my selling acct and even raises my selling limit and gives me his email address so I can contact him if something happens.

I'm doing SO well now with my accts. Previously, I would get overwhelmed with the shipping and end up sending items late and people would get pissed and I would just throw in the towel but now I'm selling things BIN little by little and I'm managing just fine. But, because of my previous mistakes I'm afraid it's gonna bite me in the ass.'s been approx. 9 hours since this all went down and my ebay accts are all good. No emails telling me my accts are limited or anything. Is it possible I'm going to fly under the radar here? He didn't say anything about my other accts but I'm assuming the one he did find was linked to the others bc thats why it got suspended in the first place (don't really remember I've had so many). If my accts are about to be frozen, is there something I should be doing other than getting my $$ out of paypal? Should I change my IP address? I did clear my cache. Should I un-link my Paypal acct?

I'm just praying they let me be. Like I said, been doing really well--even the ebay guy I spoke with said so. How long does it usually take for them to figure these things out? From what I remember my accts were limited and linked within hours which makes me wonder if I'm all good. But, I don't want to list a bunch of stuff tomorrow if they are just going to be taken down.
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Old 11-05-2011
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If you pass onto the next week (Monday) you should be fine.. They don't seem to run indepth checks over the weekend but they get back to it on Monday; if there's something wrong you'll probably hear about it Monday morning. Usually letting the account pass by a week is a good indication just to be safe. I'm speaking from experience, but I'll let others chime in if there's anything different.

Last edited by exxomscp; 11-05-2011 at 02:57 AM.
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Old 11-05-2011
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it's mostly going on automaticly, may or may not happen at any time
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Old 11-05-2011
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you always change ips when switching through accounts, you never login into different accounts with the same ip, yes you can get away with it for a while but once one gets suspended they all will be suspended, make sure you're clearing cookies and flash. I separate my accounts with different computer users to avoid making a mistake. You may want to get the book.
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Old 11-05-2011
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I do have the book. And, I have never logged onto my old accounts with the same ip address that I had before. But, I have the same paypal account for all 4 of my accounts. So, it would really be pointless for me to have different ip addresses for all 4 of my current accounts. Also, I have registered with the same name. It's just too difficult for me to open 4 paypal accounts, and up until I stupidly called in to have them raise my limits, I have been flying under the radar and have been doing really well.

Has anyone ever heard of this happening? Has anyone ever called in and got a problem resolved and then not got suspended.

And, I am not suspended as of yet. My accounts are all just fine. The limited account was the old one. I think the guy might have bought that someone might have stolen my identity and he seemed to honestly want to help me. I kind of sounded panicked as if I was worried I wouldn't be able to sell anymore. He said he wasn't sending it up to any "additional level" (whatever that means) and that he closed the account (the old one) and as far as I should assume the matter was resolved.

I was planning on doing some major listing this weekend. Do you think I should hold off until next week?
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Old 11-05-2011
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I only sell about $300-400 a month, and just do this on the side as I'm a student.
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Old 11-05-2011
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it's a bit messy what you're telling about your account, but perhaps you will want to concentrate on only one account and to sell from this account only. don't touch all the rest. perhaps it will servive this way. plus create new stelth accounts all new info IP etc.
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Old 11-09-2011
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Same PayPal account for all 4?


Ebay can see what other email addresses are listed on the paypal account and match them, they don't always do it... but they do it more times than not.

I suggest you open a separate paypal account for each of your ebay accounts and remove all trace of your previous paypal account from the ebay account - they are all currently linked through the paypal account!
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