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Old 05-23-2007
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Default Ebay Computer Recognition

Now I am the first to admit I dont have any specialist knowledge about computers but I do have some general ideas how Ebay might recognise your computer. Normally, your firewall and anti-virus prevent unwanted access to your computer files unless you allow a trojan virus in through a download. When this happens the virus is placed in a vault by your anti virus and by looking at the details you will find the name of the computer from where the virus was sent. So like the Vulcan mind probe of Mr Spock information exchange is not just one way.
So it occurred to me with my very simple grasp of computers that this exchange of information can also happen during the upload as well as the download happening. One computers upload is another computers download and vice versa. So when you upload a picture or maybe any info from your computer into a listing you open the gates of your computer in a way that Ebay will recognise the source from which it came. It might or might not only be the name of your computer which you can change. As I remember all computers before you personalise the name have YOUR followed by a number as a name.

So it makes me wonder whether all computers have a number secreted in it somewhere by the manufacturers on the insistence of the government. You know I kind of find it hard to believe this doesnt happen because if it can be done easily with no-one being able to prove it, then theyre gonna do it.

It follows that the only safe way to create a listing is by using another computer. I have noticed from the postings that people have been fine until they tried to list an item and then been closed down. Maybe this doesnt happen straight away because of glitches.

It might just be paranoia but is there someone out there that has knowledge of this?
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Old 05-23-2007
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Yes... there is a number.... and that is your ip address. That's it. You're thinking too much...
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Old 05-23-2007
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And smoking too much:(
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Old 05-27-2007
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I laughed at that. Your probably right. But I did read somewhere that microsoft inserted a hidden pathway into every computer so that American intelligence service could hack into every computer with an access key by passing the firewall. Funny thing is every school kid seems to be hacking into NASA and the Pentagon. Ebays use of cookies and beacons seems to be a form of hacking. If we are trying to understand how ebay tracks users it might be we should try to understand how to hack and whats involved. Someone in these postings said that even computer experts are unsure how ebay operates. But rather than talk to straight legit type experts, its the bedroom hackers who have the answers
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Old 05-27-2007
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Originally Posted by Modee View Post
You can read more about this here:
also we posted some things about sites that DO lock onto and remember your computer's MAC address, such as online banking sites.
Yeah that thread is a good read. I just read a few posts and I don't know if they have confirmed about ebay's email does not contain beacons (i.e. questions from buyers), but I can say that ebay email does not have beacons.

A noticeable situation where you have accessed an image that is a beacon, is when the image takes a second or two to load up (even if you have fast internet connection). Mainly because it transfer your info before the image is loaded. You can see a lot of those in your junk mail, I do at least. Once you open one of them, they start coming in in packs.
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