Confused On Linking Paypal
Hi. My account with Ebay has been recently suspended but thanks to this forum, looks like gettin back wont be an issue. Anyway, a few questions:
1. On the Seller's Account Page, there is no link that says LINK ACCOUNT TO PAYPAL, or is there one that I did not see and will get me?
2. When I registered with Ebay, I did not need to enter any bank information. How come?
3. My Seller's Account is set for automatic payments with Simon Gift Card, can I still use ONE TIME PAYMENT without being charged twice though my SIMON GIFT CARD has $1.00 left. I used the gift card to buy another gift card (just in case).
4. ONE TIME PAYMENT. This is making a one time payment through your Paypal account, correct? Or a one time payment using ANY credit card, even if the name was a suspended one?
PLEASE HELP... I actually bought 2 items already and have 1 feedback. Listed 1 item and will be creating more back-ups!