Avoiding Questions from Buyers - Do that?
It's been stated (and sometimes I've witnessed first hand) that some buyers will try to trap you with questions. I suspect a lot of these users are either ebay employees or lackeys, so what types of questions do you think are "traps" and which are legitimate to answer? I suppose you "could" ignore all questions, but then you might lose potential bidders just on the off chance that you're protecting yourself from some unseen boogeyman out to get you.
Let's hear from you--what have you answered in the past that led to disaster not long after? What are the obvious no-no's? What are the sneaky questions (they look safe on the surface, but watch out!)? And finally, which questions do you think are safe to answer with no problems? What are your stories?
For example, I've sometimes had stock photos of the item in question which differ "slightly" from the actual item in the description. This is due to the actual item being in storage at the time of the listing or sometimes at another location being prepped. This has led to the occasional question that "could" be considered legitimate just wanting to know more about the item, but it could also be a suspicious user with nothing better to do than make trouble or even an ebay employee! Usually, I answer the questions, but thanks to some of the posts I've read from other members, I'm starting to answer less of them, again on fear that they'll lead to the eventual suspension of the account if I say the wrong thing. This could also be bad for business though, so I'm just curious what you think about the answer/don't answer debate?
Let's hear it! |