So why do some members stay on ebay???? Quote:
Originally Posted by whome Amen to that! | Hi, I've been reading through as many forums posted as possible an have been gathering information however I haven't yet seen anyone ask this question:
One of my ebay accounts was suspended due to selling bootlegs which they consider to be counterfeit goods. I take a view that if it's a bootleg then it doesn't matter who sells them they are illegal from the time were were born... no bulls... about original silver pressed, etc, that's all a pack of lies. Any bootleg is illegal and start off as an illegal copy of something... well let's get to my point: before I got booted off ebay, I was warned and when this happened, I was so piss.. off at ebay and even more so because I only sold a few of these as most items were household goods whereas I was aware that at least 2 ebayers in France were ONLY selling bootlegs and nothing seemed to ever happen to them. I then did something that I am a little ashamed of but nevetheless, I need to state it here: I exposed them to ebay. I reported each and every one of their items... I did this from several different ebay accounts and I did this on numerous occasions. Because nothing happened to them, I then started re-listing my stuff and got booted off within less than a month.
My question to you is how come they don't get booted off? How come they continue to sell??? How come my reports about them seem to do nothing to them? Is it because they are in France and I in the UK??? Does French ebay not care about what you sell??? They even go as far as using keywords which are an immediate no no such as "soundboard recordings..." what is this??? How have they become ebay proof??? Is there really a way into getting away with murder. Maybe the guy who wrote the ezyguide book does know something after all??? Can anyone please responde. Aspkin??? Any coments?