Will ebay reinstate me after improving my DSR?
As I read here, once you are suspended, your chances of getting back up are close to null.
I was suspended for 30 days for seller non performance.
I have since worked hard on it, and got my DSR greatly improved; above the eBay power seller minimum, and my FB rating is above the %98 minimum. (As opposed to when I first got the eBay warning.) But then I also got some new negs and neutrals, (from contacting old buyers, who woke up..)
Does anyone believe ebay may or will reinstate my selling privileges after 30 days? I DO in fact at this moment meet all eBay power seller criteria.. Or is the 30 days just a way ebay wants you to not run away and refund all disgruntled buyers, but nothing can change their minds?
Does anyone know a long time powerseller who was reinstated after 30 days?