Re: Yet another person kicked off!!!
New account is up and running.
I set up for paypal business with a new account and also got an Amex registered to my home address that was never a part of the banned account.
Paypal immediately got me on verification. I had to enter my SSN and got so frustrated I just did so. I then had to call in and provide copies of my DL and answer the questions about where I lived. All passed and I was fully verified.
E bay was 10/1000 to start. I listed a few items and sold a few the first day. I called to ask about raising my selling limit. I answered the questions and was raised to 100/5000 immediately and told I could ask for another limit increase in 30 days.
My old account had my SSN as ID but EIN for tax reasons. My new account has the same set up with new EIN.
Not really sure how this worked to be honest. Apparently the SSN did not flag for either Ebay or paypal and my guess is the EIN helped avoid that.
Bottom line I am fully back on in good standing with both Ebay and paypal fully verified by both. I guess this is the non stealth method |