Using Blackberry / PDA to andser ebay buyer emails, is it safe? any IP issue ? - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 08-05-2007
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Default Using Blackberry / PDA to andser ebay buyer emails, is it safe? any IP issue ?

Hello guys

First I wanna say thanks for aspkin and all the contributors to have this awesome forum to helping us out on being wronfully suspended by ebay. all the tips and advises are great! thanks guys!

I have a questions, I use my PDA to get my emails and answer my ebay buyer's questions, because I believe the quicker you can answer them, the chance they will buy your item is greater. but I am worry if ebay can track my mobile phone sending out email ( of course using the same email box I registered with ebay )? is there any IP issue using my PDA to answer mails? can someone share some of your wisdom with me?

also I just made my first sales using BidPay. it's really easy and too them like couple hours to approved it and send the payment to my bank. I asked them if they share any of my personal info with 3rd party companies inclucing ebay, they told me no. so I use my original address, name and bank account with bidpay. now i am getting worry if I am trusting bidpay too much and might lead into another suspension. I've lost my other two P.O. box by being suspened by ebay just last week ( it was working so well for a month since I created them ) and I followed everything mentioned on this forum, still got a letter " your account is suspended because it's related to a suspended user xxxx..." I am not sure what I did wrong.

- I registered with new names and address also got aol voice mail # matching my ⊗⊗⊗⊗ address's state and city

- P.O box address on paypal, same new name as registered with ebay, new bank account to accept payment and pre paid gift card for payment of the seller account fee

- got verified with the phone call they need to prove my identy using the aol voice mail and got the pin #

- always erase all internet explore history, cookies, add ons...also have purchase the program call " Hide the IP " and got a fnew IP address not using my real IP to surf ebay before I sign onto ebay each time

but after all that still get suspended. not sure where I did wrong, anyone can help? that's why I decided to use bidpay, I am praying to GOD they will not share my info with ebay.

share your thoughts with me guys, thanks

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Old 08-06-2007
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You'll be okay using your PDA, the ip is dynamic and changes each time you connect. As for your suspended account, there are a few things that could have linked your accounts.

If your Paypal account new? If so, did you link it to eBay? The program you have hiding your IP address, might not be good enough. You should really change your Ip address with every account you log into.

You should be okay using bidpay.
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Old 08-06-2007
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hey aspkin, it was good talking with ya. no, I did'nt link my paypal with my ebay from my last 2 suspended account. I am not sure how they linked me to my previous suspended account. now I think back, everything was all ok for like a month and I am selling good money on many merchandises, even received payment from paypal. but right after I use my giftcard from to pay for the seller's fee, then I got a email like within 10 minutes and suspended my accounts.

could it be when you order giftcards from, since you can't enter an P.O. box address for them to send it to, I use my real address. but that info shouldn't be recorded with gift cards right? because the name I use on the card is ⊗⊗⊗⊗, but I had to give out my real mailing address in order to receive the card. coul that be the problem?

what do you think aspkin?

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Old 08-06-2007
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haha you have purchase the program call " Hide the IP ------- thats is why you got suspended and probebly someting else too. But this will get you suspendet every time..... I remember my self long time ago using proxy servers..and this program ... you get suspendet every time and very fast ... just change your ip adress and if you cant change it get different internet provider.
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