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Old 08-26-2010
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Default Question about spend the funds- It's safe?


Would it be possible to spend money from the stealth account without attracting attention.

The dummy account sells products and pays fees, this account sends a mass payment to the stealth account but instead of making a cashout I want to purchase items that I need (to my real shipping address, different from the registration info). Could I have problems in a short/long term?. What would happen if my Paypal account receives some chargeback or I forget to pay the eBay fees?. I know they will have my shipping address but I want to know if they can accuse me of fraud o claim for the eBay fees or Paypal for the negative balance.

I've been several years dealing with these, I read the guide but doesn't talk much about different ways to withdrawal. I'm not interested in buying gift cards or make fresh bank accounts every months. The limit is very small (2.5K per year) and isn't it all profit I've to pay my suppliers and the shipping cost and I earn a small margin. I think is not good idea open a bank account for only receive 1K max. It's better for me spend the funds in items and resell it accepting only cash or bank transfers. I don't want to accept bank transfers and do DS with Paypal funds, very risky if something goes wrong.

Any idea of other ways to withdraw money, cashout or spend the funds will be appreaciated.

Last edited by Carol37; 08-26-2010 at 07:24 AM.
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Old 08-26-2010
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What your are proposing is one way of moving $ around - sure there is the potential of linking and limitation but that's part of the game.

Which paypal site are you registered on? I think that ES users have other options.

As for chargebacks and forgetting the fees, well that's your part to make sure that all is well with the accounts.

Search the forum - lot of ideas exist. I would recommend setting up a merchant account so you can move money out of paypal...yes there are fees involved so all depends on how much loss you can take.
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Old 08-26-2010
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Thanks for your quick response rsot,

Let me add some info more, I can assume loose my ebay / paypal cashout dummy accounts. And of course, my cashout account will loose when I get the 2.5K limit (I don't want to send the info, and ID). I can pay only the fees with my dummy account (remember that my issue is withdraw the money, I can't assume to pay the fees with my fresh money). This is the question: Does I need to pay the fees if the cashout account have made purchases in my own name? or the problem is to make purchases in my own name?. My problem isn't loosing the dummy/regular accounts, my problem is to have real legal problems.

And of course, does it better to purchase items to a ebay sellers or to purchase to a companies that accept paypal?.

By the way, my paypal is ES

Thx again.
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Old 08-26-2010
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I never thought about in open a merchant account. I'm going to check the info.

what is the way of working with a merchant account?. Does the dummy account purchases services to the website with merchant account? Can I withdraw more money?

Last edited by Carol37; 08-26-2010 at 10:05 AM.
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