I have no idea why Auctiva got me suspended...
I was probably careless in some way or another. But when I stopped using it, I made it a year without a suspension.
I like Auctiva, but in my cases, within a couple of days of using it, I got nailed.
I changed up the ads, I set up new accounts, etc.
The accounts weren't linked though, they were suspended for "abusing ebay". I have no idea what I abused.
In one case I listed five items I had never sold before and all were about $10. Within a day, blam, suspended.
After I got the same result on three accounts using Auctiva, I stopped using it and no longer got suspended. Maybe I am just being paranoid but it was more than coincidence to me.
Last edited by ebayaintstupid; 04-17-2008 at 03:42 PM.
Reason: typo