hi, i am having a problem listing more than one item on my new ebay account. i set up a new account and used gco and cartmanager for payment but after i listed my first item ebay tells me that i am unable to list any other items unless i link my paypal account. i am not going to do that because it is linked to a suspended account so what do i do in order to list more than one item on my new account? thanks for your help
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it usually says that when you list a VERO item, are you listing a vero item?
__________________ I’m sure. Still, a broken heart is a sign you’ve lived a full life. I pity a man who has never had his heart broken, and despair for a man who has not learned how to get over it ......
Mogul Genesis Coming Soon
If you havnt read the stealth ebook then i suggest you read it as your new ebay account may already be linked to your suspended one. If you havnt been suspended from ebay yet and only paypal then its likely that your ebay account will follow soon.
Read through the forum and find out how to set up a new stealth paypal account also read through the ways ebay track you and how to stay clear from there traps to linking accounts.
thanks guys i will do that....is there a list of vero items available? i will work on the stealth paypal because my personal paypal has been linked to a suspended ebay so thats why i cant link it again to my new ebay. so is the stealth paypal + GCO + cartmanager the way to go? or is that not the correct combination? thanks
ok, will do. thanks alot for responding so promptly guys. so do you suggest using paypal ? i was reading that it was not the way to go anymore.
As long as you are selling on ebay and paypal will remain a ebay company then ebay are going to make it as paypal is the only way to trade.
They may accept other merchants such as nochex but they will always expect you to offer paypal. So to be successful on ebay you will need to accept paypal.
paypal will also cause you many problems.
If your a serious seller then maybe getting a cart manager account and sending google checkout invoices to your customer will be best. Just place a note on your listing for customers to wait for an invoice before making payment. Some will pay through paypal and others will pay through google. Im not sure how this would work for the BIN items. If your interested i would suggest you contact modee as he is a cartmanager reseller and will answer any questions.
Either way i would say that any serious seller will need to stear away from paypal as much as possible.
Taking myself for example, paypal has limited 2 of my accounts and has caused me many problems, problems that i can do without. Having looked over the past 3 months nearly all of my profit made on the items sold have been held in paypal and they are still holding it. I no longer trade on ebay and sell wholesale only which has started to pic up reasonably well without the hassle of paypal. the money comes direct to me and there is no risk of it getting held in paypal. I do offer google checkout as a payment method which is way better then paypal but mainly use bank transfer which is working like a charm.
__________________ I’m sure. Still, a broken heart is a sign you’ve lived a full life. I pity a man who has never had his heart broken, and despair for a man who has not learned how to get over it ......
Mogul Genesis Coming Soon
How do you do it? I thought that when you link them together, Paypal payment is automatically checked as an option available. Even when I also offer the merchant account (credit card) as an additional option, 95% of buyers will choose paypal?
Please let me know your way to link Paypal but don't have to use Paypal. Many thanks
hmm sounds good, I would also like to know how this is done. The only way i can see it being done is by writting in your listing for the buyer to wait for an invoice before making payment. I still believe the majority of the buyers will ignore the comment and proceed to pay.
Unless there was such a way to link a paypal account then amend the paypal email address in ebay so the customer could not pay as a paypal account for the email address he is trying to pay does not exist. Or the other way round, Link a paypal account with ebay then change your email address in paypal without updating it on ebay.
I see a few problems trying to do this though. 1, changing your email address will get you flagged and 2 im sure ebay and paypal have a system in place that will make them aware if not automaticaly update the link between ebay and paypal once the email add has changed.