Has anyone opened a store today and didn't have to pay a one-time fee?
as we know etsy introduced a one time fee, has anyone gone through the entire process of opening an account and paid the fee or did not have to pay it at all? valid from today
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Re: Has anyone opened a store today and didn't have to pay a one-time fee?
Originally Posted by Jackies
as we know etsy introduced a one time fee, has anyone gone through the entire process of opening an account and paid the fee or did not have to pay it at all? valid from today
I have open accounts on Thailand. Sometimes they ask fee 15$ but sometimes not. But I didn't try Europe countries.
Re: Has anyone opened a store today and didn't have to pay a one-time fee?
Originally Posted by Okom
I have open accounts on Thailand. Sometimes they ask fee 15$ but sometimes not. But I didn't try Europe countries.
interesting - standard fee for thailand and for europe....it would be a greater price impact depending on the country....if it's the same pricing everywhere...