LOL google checkout dispute really is a joke -- they don't have a phone # and answer you with email only. It took about 10 emails total because they'd ask my side of the story and then run to him with his.
They then said he'd be shipping me 'another item' .. and that too was a big joke! He actually sent a disk to my PO box .. complete with tracking # of course .. to PROVE to google that he had sent something. On the disk was ... are you ready for this little gem ???
a FREE e-book!
It even said FREE EBOOK on the stupid thing.
So back to google I went and told them what he had done. A few more emails back and forth and then finally .. a refund. Not sure if he had to pay it back or if they have insurance for that sort of thing.
I just hope enough people complain and he gets banned all over the place. Of course all EVIL just finds another way to come back -- so he'll be back again.
He reminds me of the lurking, lingering FART you walk through at the end of a grocery store aisle! If you see the floating green vapors ... RUN !!!!!!!!!!!
........ Quote:
Originally Posted by mantisinc Great to see you got your money back!
(Out of interest, what is the google checkout dispute process like?  ) | |