Gone with the Wind,,,CLASSIC????
I Just finished seeing the So Called Classic "Gone with the Wind",,,So this is a Movie where Slavery is ok,,,they even Relish the thought of Fighting the North (Union) in the Civil war in order to keep the Slaves,,,pepper some VERY Disparaging remarks about Abe Lincoln throughout the Movie,,,Beat women,,Abuse Servants,,,and of Course Scarlet O'Hara,,,She is a SLUT By ANY ERA Standards,,,she spends the ENTIRE Move (4Hrs) chasing a Married Man, Herself getting married 3 Times, The last time BLATENTLY for Money, and yet the Movie is a Classic?????????
Is it just me, or do others feel this way?,,,I have NEVER Heard a Bad Remark about this Movie,,,Yes I Know that it is a "Compelling" Love Story, but what about the Rest?
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