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Old 06-21-2008
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Default EBay randomly suspending sellers, in order to follow a new business model?

Is this the reason my combined accounts of over 45,000 feedback were taken out because of a few "potentially infringing" items that cost $1.50 each wholesale that I have been selling the last 9 years??


Internet Archive: Details: THE RISE AND FALL OF THE eBay REICH

Reviewer: professor3 - 4 out of 5 stars - May 13, 2008
Subject: Solid essay, well-rsearched

I enjoyed reading this essay and have forwarded it to several friends. What bothers me most about ebay, is that they are now randomly suspending users, foremost sellers, in order to follow a new business model, eliminating the small sellers. It is a crime that ebay does not share this publicly and (knowingly) wastes people's time trying to get reinstated again via fax, postal mail in, etc. Thus, wasting people's time and money, while keeping many seller's positive account balances in fees is the true crime. ebay is a waste of time.

"while keeping many seller's positive account balances in fees is the true crime."

Yah, I noticed that. Ebay has not been in any great rush to refund those positive account balance fees to my paypal account. Yet they were mighty quick on the gun on an alleged "potentially infringing" item.

Apart from referring to itself as “the world’s largest marketplace,” (3) today eBay is “one of the most hostile Internet venues” according to Adams (4). What is more, and that is the focus of this article is that eBay is an illegal corporation. Similar to Nazism and the installation of the totalitarian state under Hitler, eBay operates under the guise of legality, uses propaganda mechanisms, manipulating information, extortion and many other criminal means to disguise its malpractices.


This paragraph censored by HOE at 8:09AM due to GreenBean
and TMiles2564 objections.

To read what was in this paragraph see link above.


The consistent violation of civil, corporate and legal law, however is now catching up, as indicated by the individual and class action law suits against them. Enron and Fastow were then, eBay is now! (6)

Lies deception, fraud, slander, artificial auctions creation artificially inflating the total auction listings count, human rights abuses, stock fraud, user “expendability” are all part of this. This list could go on, but significantly it is also a summary of the practices and conduct of the ruler of a totalitarian state, in the case of eBay with parallels to the third Reich under Hitler, that cannot be overlooked: all aspects relate to the “world’s biggest marketplace”, eBay, where you can apparently “shop victoriously.” The following is an overview of the current situation for eBay (as of May 2008) its rules, fees, feedback policy, abuse of its users (buyers and sellers), unwanted new users, financial malpractices, lack of growth potential and alternatives to eBay.

The first, and one of the biggest problems for anyone selling on eBay are its rules and policies. So-called “listing violations” are a continuous problem any seller faces on eBay, i.e. violating one of 's myriad of endless and incomprehensible rules and policies that even eBay doesn't understand. The rules are inconsistent, due to variations, such as in China, for example, where an eBay seller can list for free (or deeply discounted listings) without fear of having auctions terminated for trademark or copyright violations: a place where the eBay listing rules don't apply because eBay wants to encourage developing markets. Daines maintains that over 75% of all eBay rules and regulations (in addition to the flawed listing rules) do not make sense, causing default seller suspensions, a.k.a. NARU (Not A Registered User) - term for a user who has been suspended by eBay (7). However, this aspect does not really matter since eBay has now rolled out its random user suspension, in order to reach fixed quota goals.

In addition eBay is a health hazard. Several clinical studies conducted by the Harvard Medical School have shown eBay is a medical danger; on this Becker states: I have had patients of different ages and gender suffering from psychological turmoil to depression as caused by their experience with eBay. We are not talking about a mere bad feeling in your stomach, but psychological damage caused by mental trauma, as a result of dealing with the automated eBay system and its inhumane indifference to my patients. (8)

This clinical study will also be published in several medical journals in late 2008, and segments of it are already on file as part of evidence on plaintiffs seeking legal action against eBay. The painstaking documentation was the main challenge to compile, evaluate and format in order to be accepted as a court filing, but was obviously necessary to make a proper medical case against eBay.

Paterson has questioned for years, why eBay does not have an ombudsperson? (10) One reader responded in posing a counter-question: “Why did the Gestapo not have an ombudsperson?”

The worst part of any user experience is having to deal with ’s Trust & Safety Department, which once a user is caught up with, she/he never escapes. According to Weizman ’s Trust & Safety is an exactly replicated mirror of the Gestapo (Geheime Staatspolizei) Hitler relied on to control his citizens. What is more, “the mechanisms and techniques used by eBay T & S, are identical to the Nazi’s secret police, namely operating by means of surprise, fear, intimidation and terror.”

The T & S Gestapo works closely with the “VeRO” Program, a program by which owners of intellectual property rights can enforce those rights on eBay, also used as a verb as in, "I've been VeRO'd". A VeRO Takedown is what happens when a VeRO member notifies eBay that someone's auction is infringing. The VeRO member is not required to provide proof of IP ownership, or provide the seller with an explanation of why the listing was removed, or a legal basis for demanding the takedown. No VeRO member has ever been punished for misusing the VeRO Program although one study estimated an abuse rate of about 30%. eBay will not help a seller who has been VeRO'd and will suspend a seller who is repeat "offender" while pointedly ignoring improper and illegal VeRO takedowns. It has been estimated that as high as 50% of VeRO "takedowns" are invalid or unjust. eBay does not "verify" the claimed rights. Norrington’s Memo clearly states, that eBay does not care about what happens to its sellers in such circumstances, since apparently “there are more than enough new idiots, signing up every day.” (14)
Subsequently, eBay T&S fetishism in combination with the faulty VERO system under the guise of protection leads to users being suspended for no reason. So, how does eBay’s Gestapo operate? Once eBay suspends a user they have a meticulous system in place that tracks and analyzes users, their moves, behavior patterns, keystroke analysis moves, behavior patterns, syntax and much more; using a public computer will automatically get you suspended. Thus, “buying” an eBay account from someone else will not work! There are guides out there which suggest tips to get back onto eBay, such as using dial-up, always changing your cpu name, ip blockers, using false names, new credit cards. However, Tim Young, an MIT computer security expert, who knows how eBay works states:

eBay will always track you down, despite having circumvented ALL their tracking mechanisms. eBay WILL GET YOU......The people who should be working in eBay customer support, are working in a HUGE eBay security-tracking department...!!!! The Gestapo of the 21st Century!!! (15)

“The upside of the continuous abuse of human beings on eBay and its Gestapo is a chance for other auction and ecommerce websites to grow. eBay never has and never will care about people, the nightmare for many is almost over, since eBay has entered a spiral into its own death beyond any point of return.”

As of 2008 eBay has retained an estimated $2,8 billion US dollars from sellers with a positive eBay account balance that were suspended and never reinstated. Any other business that conducts itself in such a way would be reprimanded, penalized and loose any lawsuit filed against it. eBay is not above the law anymore.


Great, now maybe HOE can join a class action medical suit later this year for the "massive shock and depression" this arcane system of Ebay has caused. Come to think of it my bedroom performance has slid down quite a bit too. That has to be worth at least 4 or 5 million in suffering if not more.


Last edited by HairyOldEbayer; 06-21-2008 at 10:09 AM.
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Old 06-21-2008
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Thats ebay for ya. They make big money even though they throw out the very people who are giving them money.
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Old 06-21-2008
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Looks very interesting. I got it printed and will read it tonight Thanks for posting this! I think eBay is just getting too big. They can't pay attention to the individual pieces anymore, only to the whole cake. So if there's a worm in the cake, they rather smash the entire cake than looking through 12 pieces to try and find the worm.
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Old 06-21-2008
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I am sorry, but to compare Ebay to the mass extermination of 3 million human beings is just plain stupid. This essay would have a lot more weight if it was not so strong in comparing the illegal actions of a commercial company to throwing innocent people in a gas chamber.

Human rights violations....give me a break. We all can agree that Ebay pulls some god awful stunts, but comparing the practices of kicking off a seller to physical torturing of human being around the world is a horrible thing to do....

Moderator...please look at this and take action.....
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Old 06-21-2008
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Respectfully I disagree and I think this essay went over your head. I did not write the essay but I agree with the sentiment of a digital Seller Holocaust 100%.

If Aspkin feels it touches a nerve somewhere too deeply then so be it. I grew up in a Jewish neighborhood. My best friend's grandfather died at Auschwitz. My friend's father still reminds me every day of what happened 65+ years ago because of the tattoo he carries on his forearm.

By the way it was not 3 million. Think more like 10-12 million.

I think the main point here is Ebay is running rampant and out of control "executing" sellers accounts for no more good reason than they want to be rid of them.

Read what another powerseller that left the sinking ship had to say about sellers in the gunsights/proverbial showers.

"eBay is doing it on purpose people, it’s part of their business plan, they know full well they are hitting the sellers with all these recent changes, they want you sellers to go, they do not want small independent sellers anymore, they don’t want a “flea market” They are going to turn eBay into a channel for faceless corporate retail giants to flog brand new mass market items, eBay themselves will have a financial interest in the retail of these items, remember those phony shopping dot com listings ? well that’s the future of eBay right there. they figure they have this huge customer base, (yes they see the buyers as their customers not yours) and they’re going to have all the pie to themselves soon. They want YOU gone, the wheels are already in motion, just watch and see."


Last edited by HairyOldEbayer; 06-24-2008 at 05:57 AM.
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Old 06-21-2008
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I think that you are the one who has been seduced by the hyperbole of this essay. Your tone is a bit over the top because of this.
You have a justifiable grudge about ebay's behavior towards you.I have no dispute over that. However I find it distasteful to be obliged to allow your post to remain in full on the forum. I abhor the mention of the murder of one person let alone 12 million people by a dictatorship. A digital holocaust? Please! That is rubbish. The sellers are alive. They can chose how to live, tell me the name of one of those 12 million that chose their holocaust.

Yes, ebay are terrible. Yes, you are alive. And that is far far better than being
a victim of holocaust. Do a favor for those who did not survive the Nazis,
Beat ebay.

Last edited by GreenBean; 06-21-2008 at 09:37 AM.
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Old 06-21-2008
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Right on Green Bean.....

Went over my head...I do not think so. Please share this with your best friends parents and grandmother.....They will not find it so amusing.

This ignorant person who wrote this actually compares Ebay pulling a seller off to "human rights" violations.....Sure, a seller losing selling privileges on Ebay is like a monk getting killed, a mother getting raped, a child being sold into slavery.....come on...

Seriously....MODERATOR....We do not need this on this forum. it does not help anyone and is grievously in very bad taste. I fully understand that the person who posted this did not write it. However, this does not make it any more acceptable.....
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Old 06-21-2008
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Originally Posted by GreenBean View Post
I find it distasteful to be obliged to allow your post to remain in full on the forum.
Well, that is what makes America great. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Aspkin will be along shortly and if he feels this post is in poor taste then he can edit it to only include the link to the essay or delete it entirely if he deems it.

Perhaps there are a lot of sellers on this board that have the know how to come back from the dead and start that 10K- 20K - 30K a month income up again in 2 weeks. On the other hand there are a lot of sellers you are not aware of that do not have the specialized knowledge, were "executed" off ebay and are suffering financially for it. Those sellers won't be on FOX news or the front page of CNN.com anytime soon.

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Old 06-21-2008
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There is a point that you are overlooking. You could have done the post in the first instance without the attached rubbish. I would think that most readers here would be capable of reading any supplied links. America IS great and I defend my right to disagree
with your right to free speech.
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Old 06-21-2008
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GreenBean and TMiles2564,

Hopefully you both feel a whole bunch better now. I edited out the quoted part in the essay you both felt was offensive and in rather poor taste.

I doubt we will ever be buds at a dinner party but that's what makes the world go round. 6 billion people with 6 billion different opinions.



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Old 06-21-2008
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HOE,you may well have edited what you deem to have been 'offensive' but in my right to freedom of speech, you have not done it with a good heart and to me it does not count.

BUT to each their own. No comeback, eh? We digress from our fight against ebay.
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Old 06-21-2008
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Originally Posted by Modee View Post
I didn't think you needed to edit anything. Although I am harsh about getting people to follow forum rules, I am very 1st Amendment when it comes to the exchange of ideas. People should get beyond having their buttons pushed at the mere mention of something from the past.
I hear ya but since I am a new member here and really am not here to ruffle feathers I pulled it out of courtesy. Most likely that will make more readers salivate to see what that paragraph said.

I still have it saved and if Aspkin sees no problem with it then I will put it back in.

230+ years ago another group of men's opinions were offensive and in poor taste. If that battle had gone to the other side those men would have been strung up and now be known as traitors in the history books.


Last edited by HairyOldEbayer; 06-21-2008 at 05:08 PM.
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Old 06-21-2008
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Originally Posted by GreenBean View Post
you have not done it with a good heart and to me it does not count.
My dear GreenBean,

Please inform me what doing it with a good heart constitutes. As I said before I doubt we would ever make it as dinner buds or a cross country trip in a Vette but that's why I love America. We are all free (so far) to be different and have different opinions.

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Old 06-21-2008
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HOE, would you be kind enough to read the last sentence of my post, please?

Thank you.
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Old 06-21-2008
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Mon Cher,

Je désapprouve ce que vous dites, mais je défendrai jusqu'à la mort votre droit à le dire.

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Old 06-21-2008
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Merci de defendre ma droite. Si c'est vrai il serait ma cherie. Helas ce n'est pas vrai. Mais tu es un bon adversaire.
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Old 06-21-2008
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Children, settle down. I'm sure HairyOldEbayer didn't mean to offend anyone. I say let it ride.
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Old 06-21-2008
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LOL.. Get 'em, Aspkin...
(although Im pretty good at Referee when I have to be--have 1 or 2 kids each and every day-pulling hair, biting, spitting, pouring milk on each other, smashing french fries in each others hair, painting each other,etc)--
Always.. Be the BEST you can Be, at Whatever you do! Be Part of the Solution, rather than Part of the Problem.
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Old 06-21-2008
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Oh wow turned into a big thing. I didnt understand what you all were saying in the prior to the last two posts. Well lets stop fighting and lets all be friends arent we all here to get knowledge and make friends
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