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Old 10-16-2020
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Default Poshmark Restriction


So I have two different Poshmark accounts. One from 2016, which has moved about 60k in the last year and another new account with little history and about 2k sales.

My oldest account has been restricted twice for selling "counterfeit goods". Every removal by Poshmark I sent them receipts, and each time I had a restriction I had 0 moderator removals tagged on my account. Anyone who knows Poshmark, knows their moderator system is a joke and is run by very unintelligent people. I appealed twice, and was granted the appeal twice.

My newest account due to some technical issues with stealth I don't ship as quickly as I should. I have had this restricted 3 times now for late shipment, and that was granted 3 times my appeal.

Whats going on here? Is this common? Have any of you faced a restriction and appealed it without getting granted approval? I'm talking about restriction as in they don't delete my account but remove everything from my closet and prevent me from communicating with other people. It clearly says in the email you get one second chance, and on two different accounts that hasn't been the case.

Curious to hear from anyone .....
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