Re: Shopify Stealth ?
yes plenty but mainly surrounding call back issues and linking to PP
if you dont have a high risk biz and if you have a very good est PP acc then maybe not (hence ive been searching for one here). but this is shopify section and they have live feeds with PP. PP can eventually gather that info. A new domain can help too with 303/seo support from a developer. Shopify is just tough. You can platform change or worst case slight domain change and 303/seo redirect, only if your brand is strong and can withstand a slight name change like 'Mikes gold' to 'mikes supplies' etc
its better to have a new platform ready like wordpress etc that you can code to block the call back and then use it switch to if you have to with limited down time, plus can use multiple PP acc to receive payment with limited recall. its not as clean as shopify but it works. a slight variation in domian name worked on over time, if you have a stronlgy searched brand is a huge bonus too. but this way if Shopify or PP either or combined block you, you can work around. Its more an precautionary measure that an instant fix
i use shopify because its fully integrated and if ever you install a bad extension/app, theres no checkout issues or downtime. otheriwse you need to know coding or a good developer
it just depends what you need and a bit difficult to explain here
my industry is high risk, my shopify still operates with other payment solutions because they allow my high risk industry....but ultimately some customers like PP for trust/safety. im dowm 30% min when not offering PP mainly with international customers becasue card payments can get blocked because of P2sd and 3d secure hasnt fully rolled out - middle east or if you're in europe and a US customer orders, card issuer can block the payment as fraud prevention. PP somehow is different, i dont know why but we have zero transaction failure with PP. you can actually lose a lot of customers this way
Having a back up site to switch to on another platform is a good precaution in case your shopify is blocked plus if you wish to use PP it will limit PP limitations because of call back linking
if you are blocked from shopify only and have no concerns around PP... seruously just switch to another ecommerce and get a good developer
- if you just need shopify no PP then follow stealth methods adn create other paymetn methods, its very simple
- if you need PP, change you eccomerce platorm or take chance with a well est PP account but have a back up site ready to go
- if you have problems with shopify and/or PP... create a different eccomerce platform and other payment providers. can also use stealth PP acc in rotation no porblem so far
I hope this makes some sense
Last edited by smokenosmoke; 03-29-2021 at 11:57 PM.