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Old 08-05-2008
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Default Amazon/internet explorer trouble

Well whenever I login to my amazon seller account. I got a message where it says: ''This page contains both secure and non unsecure data. Do you want to display the non secure data"
Then it gives me the option of 'yes' and 'no'
So I click on yes and then it says "Operation aborted"
Then internet explorer just shuts down.

I have absolutely no idea why this is happening and it just started today. I just ran the norton antivirus full system scan right now and it only detected tracking cookies.

I hope their is nothing wrong with my laptop. Can someone please tell me a solution or atleast tell me if something is wrong.

BTW I'm running the trial version of norton antivirus.

Last edited by John14789; 08-05-2008 at 06:03 PM.
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Old 08-05-2008
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The window that pops ups, is that from IE, norton, or Amazon or the browser?

If the window is from IE. Try logging in on firefox or safari or opera.

If the window is from Norton, uninstall norton and get the free version of avg. AVG is a million times better and faster than the bloatware Norton puts out. Or download the google pack and get the free version of Google spyware doctor.
Old 08-05-2008
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It could be both IE and Norton. Try another browser (firefox) and or disable Norton browser protection.
Old 08-05-2008
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Problem resolved!

I'm guessing the problem was that I did not install the necessary updates. But I went ahead and uninstalled norton and installed both google spyware doctor and AVG. I'm going to stick with IE instead of going to another browser. Thanks for the help everyone. Please close thread.
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