I have been on ebay since 1997. Got a 30 day suspension about 7 months ago. I stayed off of ebay for over 5 months. I came back on and got zapped within 30 days with a 1 year suspension.
I sell items which ebay is very strict about. But there are thousands of collectors who want these items all over the world. Needless to say I'm thinking about getting the book and try to "beat the system".
I got a friend who did the same thing and I always wondered how they kept selling with so many different screen names it must of been the book.
The complete step-by-step guide to get back to selling today!
Stealth can definitely help. It does not mean an account can't be flagged for VERO. But if you spread the sales over many accounts, you can better fly under the radar, so to speak.
I was a good ebay man for many years but with the economy going in the tank I started listing items that were forbidden by ebay. Over the years they would whack me with a 24 hour "bad boy" but 1 year is crazy. But it is their site so I either play by their ever changing rules or buy the Stealth Book it seems.