Please, some advice before I buy Stealth Guide
Hi everyone,
I got banned from ETSY (infringement). The original design is from a big designer ( no patenting numbers. But they say they have industrial right to produce it). I thought it was ok to sell it because many ETSY sellers & independent websites like & many others are offering the same thing with no problems. So I & some other seller got kicked off ETSY for it; but many others are still up and running. So it's infringement, why aren't ALL taken down?
I want to create a stealth paypal to get back to ETSY. This time I will only sell vintage items.
Before I buy the stealth guide, please someone tell me if it's good for a technology incompetence like me. I know nothing about changing IP, dongle or phone tethering. Are they all well explained in the stealth guide? Would knowledgeable members in here give me personal guidance when I'm stuck?
Thanks so much everyone.