How Do
Hi Folks
Am based in the UK, I came across the forum here by accident today while doing some research and wondering how the hell I'm gonna get out of the black hole I'm currently stuck in - and so very glad I did!
Had my amazon account suspended over 3 weeks ago - when changing my bank ac details, they found out that my business had registered as a Ltd company. Didn't realise that was a big deal or would have any repercussions, but boy I soon found out. I'm sure a lot of people here will be all too familiar with the usual seller performance stock answers and banging of head against a brick wall I've done for 3 weeks now. Seller pedigree and previous performance don't matter to them, had 100% positives and excellent metrics but nothing counts.
Unfortunately, I'm another classic 'all eggs in one basket' fool, I do still have an ebay store however that's all but dried up over the last 4 years as I put all my efforts into what was my growing amazon business - Doh!!! We moved house a few months ago, wife & 4 kids, a shed load of bills and taxes & VAT to pay right now and zero income, not to mention the person I employ who is also now without income. Thought I would loose my mind for a couple weeks with the stress, distress and worry, very bad thoughts come to you at times like that. Anyway, like the famous line from Shawshank Redemption says, "get busy livin' or get busy dyin'!".
I have vowed never again to let myself and my family's well being be at the mercy and whim of those heartless corporate scumbags, or some brainless manual following monkey employed by same!
I have purchased both books and am looking forward to getting stuck in, I really need to start earning quickly at this stage as I'm very much up the creek right now, so if anyone has hints or tips regarding what to sell or how to sell it and make a quid in a hurry I'd be most grateful!
Cheers folks