Originally Posted by forevermoretreasures HI I am trying my hardest to quickly get back on Ebay for the 100th time it seems, I will go into detail in the near future with my horror stories but need to make some money. My question is and a statement " I do not want to use paypal anymore!!" I would like to sign up with a merchant account for Ebay payments but if I use a ⊗⊗⊗⊗ name and address how would I sign on and verify my merchant account since they ask for specific information and social security number etc... I sure do not want to mess up again and do have the Ebay Stealth Book I am beginning to get into now. Thank you for any ideas and have a nice evening. | Hmm, one of those questions asked 100 times already..
You want to use your REAL valid information when signing up for any merchant account not connected with eBay. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS..
Why? Because eBay does not see this information, so it does not matter and also like you mentioned your merchant provider needs to verify your information.
Then just use a 3rd party checkout like Cartmanager or auctiva to process your eBay payments. You can't get away from PayPal completely though, so get that out of your head.