Yeah, I have to agree, for Ebay Paypal is really best, even with all the negative aspects of it.
I love Google Checkout, but I never use that with Ebay, only for off-Ebay sales.
I also have a Propay account which I use off-Ebay only. It's okay, but lacks the integrated shipping capabilities (yup, that's def. a positive) and there is a 500 dollar per transaction limit on the account that I have. Their fees are a bit higher than regular PayPal and there is no seller protection. If you as a seller are victimized with a fraudulent charge, there's no seller protection like Paypal has. You are screwed plus 35, lol, since you get charged a chargeback fee on top of it. That's the case with most merchant accounts, btw. Also with Propay, if the "Resolutions Department" finds something suspicious with your account they will freeze it and in my experience, not communicate. If you call CS, they either claim no knowledge of what is going with your account or they claim the Resolutions Department has sent an email but mysteriously you never receive it until you call to inquire about why your account is frozen.
Once I had to call Propay CS five different times before I finally found out the problem, and a 90 dollar sale was voided on me for no good reason, after the buyer had rec'd merchandise and NOT complained about it. Resolutions "thought my account was compromised", no explanation why and it was finally unfrozen when I untangled the mess and was able to communicate with Resolutions.
I still use them because I need the virtual terminal that they offer and for that, their fees work out much cheaper than Paypal's. But I'd be afraid to do much volume with them or to use it with crazy Ebay buyers who love to file disputes! |