Again, a few years back, I had a seller cash a walmart money order that I sent for $80, and the seller denied ever receiving it. When I called the 800 number it said that it was cashed that very day and when I spoke to a rep, they told me it was cashed at a grocery store. (the seller had many recent feedback stating that they took the money and ran)....well I did get the police involved at that time, and only because when I called the phone number and actually spoke with the person she laughed when I said that the money order had been cashed....she told me to "prove it"...well I the police and the very next day I got a call from the Philly police dept. from a detective (I live 800+ miles away, the selller lived in Philly) asking me for all the details and name/address/phone number to the seller. Well that very day I got a paypal email that stated that "my items have been shipped using USPS priority mail", you know the one that you get whenever the seller makes the label through paypal. I got the stuff in 2 days! And remember, this was only over $80!!!! You can also contact the "Internet Crime Police", very serious business that way!