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Old 06-18-2009
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Default Paypal promotes dishonesty

I sold some items to a buyer on Ebay and posted them to him in 2 packs once he had paid through paypal. I posted them straight away and kept the receipt. After 9 days (which included a holiday weekend) I received an email from paypal saying the buyer had put in a report that they had not been posted. I had at this point not received an email from the buyer asking if they had been posted.
I responded with the receipt clearly showing they had been sent to his postcode. I then contacted Australia Post and started an investigation on the parcels. A few days later I contacted Paypal and was advised to upgrade it to a claim, this I did and today Paypal informed me that they decided on the Buyers side. I GAVE THEM PROOF OF POSTAGE!!! I immediately telephoned them and spoke to a supervisor who informed me that unless I register the mail it will always go the way of the buyer EVEN if I provide proof of postage.
I don't know if I am crazy or not, but isn't that encouraging dishonest people to 'GO FOR IT'. I am out of pocket not only the $350.00 that the goods cost including the postage, I am out this amount again as I don't have the goods to resell!
I am considering taking a claim in the small claims court against the buyer, at least there I can prove I sent the goods and hopefully it will go my way. Has anyone out there done this before.
As for Paypal, I will never use them again even if that means not selling on Ebay.
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Old 06-18-2009
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You must always use tracking with paypal. That is what paypal basis their decision off of. I hate to say it but it looks as if you are out of the money. I hate to tell ya this but...I want to be honest too...
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Old 06-20-2009
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Agreed. I just got duped out of $150 by a longtime customer. It's my fault b/c I didn't use signature confirmation this one time. I was just really busy and my dog had just been put to sleep. I was absolutely emotionally and physically exhausted whenever I went to the post office to mail the packages. I was more concerned with them being late and getting my stars ding'd. I could just kick myself for being so lax and so ignorant.
Ebay has become a cesspool for thieves, and PayPal just makes it that much easier for them.
Yet, part of me likes PayPal b/c I have been ripped off by two or three sellers recently - thee shirts I bought were NOTHING like pictured and the measurements were way off. I just wanted my money back, and to ship them their items back. I had no intentions of leaving negative feedback. I thought it would be more difficult to get a refund, but PayPal never even asked or required documentation for me to return these sellers' items. Luckily for these sellers, I am not an unscrupulous buyer.
Jeez. There has to be some kind of happy medium b/c it can't go on like this. It's ridiculous.
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Old 06-20-2009
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Originally Posted by pallenberg View Post
Agreed. I just got duped out of $150 by a longtime customer. It's my fault b/c I didn't use signature confirmation this one time. I was just really busy and my dog had just been put to sleep. I was absolutely emotionally and physically exhausted whenever I went to the post office to mail the packages. I was more concerned with them being late and getting my stars ding'd. I could just kick myself for being so lax and so ignorant.
Ebay has become a cesspool for thieves, and PayPal just makes it that much easier for them.
Yet, part of me likes PayPal b/c I have been ripped off by two or three sellers recently - thee shirts I bought were NOTHING like pictured and the measurements were way off. I just wanted my money back, and to ship them their items back. I had no intentions of leaving negative feedback. I thought it would be more difficult to get a refund, but PayPal never even asked or required documentation for me to return these sellers' items. Luckily for these sellers, I am not an unscrupulous buyer.
Jeez. There has to be some kind of happy medium b/c it can't go on like this. It's ridiculous.
i thoguht delivery confirmation was enough...
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Old 06-20-2009
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i believe $250 and up requres signature confirmation and the items have to be shipped within 7 days of receipt for paypal to cover it..
I’m sure. Still, a broken heart is a sign you’ve lived a full life. I pity a man who has never had his heart broken, and despair for a man who has not learned how to get over it ......
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Old 06-20-2009
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Oh, sorry, I didn't specify. I forgot to use delivery or signature confirmation. So, yeah, I'm screwed.
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Old 06-21-2009
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I am so sorry to hear about your dog, as a person who is owned by 6 dogs I know how sad it is to lose one and it can screw your mind up. Isn't it sad that the world has got to this though (dotting and I's and crossing the t's) unfortunately paypal and ebay have contributed to the lack of honesty in the world.
I have now changed to a new seller OZTIONS, they dont charge to list and I have gone with PAYMATE but I will be more careful in the future and trust no-one.
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