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Old 03-09-2010
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Default Paypal postage - Hit and miss whether you can do it.

I dont know if anyone else is getting this, but I am having this quite often and its quite annoying.

When I am rushed in the morning I just like to print off the items I sold during the night and get them posted, however sometimes I get this message:


We are not able to generate your label at this time. Your PayPal account was not charged. Please try again later.

* PayPal Postage is not available. We apologise for the inconvenience.


Now I keep trying it and it simply refuses to work, usually I have to wait until the next day before trying again.

Its irritating, anyone know why? Possible glitch?
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Old 03-10-2010
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UPDATE: I have discovered the reason for this error.

Right the reason Paypal postage will refuse to work is this simple. If any of the charactors in the address to send to are different than you get on a normal standard UK or US keyboard then you get the above message.

An example of these charactors is ä, ö, ü

Now I had the ü which is an umlaut used in countries like Germany (where my parcel was going)

Every time I tried to create a postage label I got the above message:


We are not able to generate your label at this time. Your PayPal account was not charged. Please try again later.

* PayPal Postage is not available. We apologise for the inconvenience.

I tried loads of times yesterday and this morning. Only when I changed the ü for a u did the label go through.

Now why did I want to print off the label so desperately I hear you ask?

Well reason 1 is that I charged a lot for postage and by printing off the label I do not display the cost. The buyer paid £5.99 for postage and in reality it only costs £3.41 (do not want a low DSR for postage + packaging)

And reason 2 is so naughty that I cant post it here or Green will kick my ass.
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Old 03-10-2010
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Originally Posted by Neo View Post
UPDATE: I have discovered the reason for this error.

Right the reason Paypal postage will refuse to work is this simple. If any of the charactors in the address to send to are different than you get on a normal standard UK or US keyboard then you get the above message.

An example of these charactors is ä, ö, ü

Now I had the ü which is an umlaut used in countries like Germany (where my parcel was going)

Every time I tried to create a postage label I got the above message:


We are not able to generate your label at this time. Your PayPal account was not charged. Please try again later.

* PayPal Postage is not available. We apologise for the inconvenience.

I tried loads of times yesterday and this morning. Only when I changed the ü for a u did the label go through.

Now why did I want to print off the label so desperately I hear you ask?

Well reason 1 is that I charged a lot for postage and by printing off the label I do not display the cost. The buyer paid £5.99 for postage and in reality it only costs £3.41 (do not want a low DSR for postage + packaging)

And reason 2 is so naughty that I cant post it here or Green will kick my ass.
ABout the low DSR comment. In PayPal US Postage there's an option on there for you to either display or not display the cost of postage. I always use the DO NOT display option then that way they can't complain about the price. Is this an option for you?
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Old 03-11-2010
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Yes and I always choose "do not display"
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Old 01-05-2011
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We are not able to generate your label at this time. Your PayPal account was not charged. Please try again later

I received this same message today as I was trying to get out one of my shipments.

What was weird was I was allowed to do all my shipments but one, so I Googled the phrase above and found this thread on our forum.

After reading what Saw wrote, I went and looked at the shipping address and found nothing really out of the ordinary except there was a slash in the zip code instead of a dash 12345/1234

So I put the dash in 12345-1234 and it worked PERFECT!
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