I never lifted the $500 monthly limit on this account so I bought a few items on eBay for around $200, paid eBay fees and withdrew the remaining $400 in one shot. 2 days later, its in the bank! (HSBC). I did all this activity during 3-4 AM thinking there may be less scrutiny from actual human beings at PP.
Woke up the next day fully expecting a reversal of the $400 withdrawal and a limitation but everything was still OK!
So I said great once in a lifetime!!!! BUUUTTTTT, Checked eBay and the guy who bought it said he misread the description, so I had no choice but to offer him a refund.
I did a "sell similar" for his item and told him to wait until the new item sells for his refund, he agreed since it was his fault.
The second (relsited) item sold for $880 so around $900 w/shipping. They paid with PP as soon as the auction was over and................... another INSTANT PAYMENT, no 21 day hold! WTH?? SO I refunded the original buyer and still had some money left over which is still in there because of my $500 monthly withdrawal limit.
I really don't know what to say but thank you to the magical force that allows PP instant payments. I really needed the cash too since its time for rent.
I fully expect a HUGE, full blown, full list SSN, invoice, supplier limitation as soon as the employees at PP realize I slipped through the cracks.
At which point I fully expect myself to upload some vulgar image as my "invoices" |