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Old 08-12-2008
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Default "The bank is disputing the Direct Debit Instruction"

Had some payments come out recently from one of my very old paypal accounts that I rarely use now (use maybe once a month or so, mainly to pay domain name renewals).

Hooked up to a bank I've also had for years, that always has quite a lot of cash in it.

Now, I've never had any problems before with it doing direct debits and instant bank transfers. However, when I went to pay for something this week, I got an email that said my bank declined the direct debit, and "The bank is disputing the Direct Debit Instruction".

Any ideas what's causing this? First time it's happened, never had issues with DD before, and still got postive balance in my bank.

Oh, and the direct debit amount was for about £2.
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Old 08-12-2008
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HI: have you changed your address with the bank lately?
Has your bank merged with another bank?
I'd call the bank, explain to them whats happening..
If pp keeps getting that error--guess what their gonna do??
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Old 08-13-2008
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Na, no changes at all.

I don't think they'll limit it, as I rarely use it and have had it for so many years. It's just a little annoying.

I'll pop into my bank soon and ask them
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Old 08-13-2008
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Please let us know the outcome.. This may answer some other questions, of what pp is up to??
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Old 08-14-2008
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This happened to me as well. I think its a new paypal feature to stop payments before they limit your account. I think i made a post about this before. I had sent some money to my bank account...it was on its way to being transferred and the next day i saw that it was reversed because my bank declined. I immediately called by bank and they said they didnt decline it and everything on my account is was fine. There was no limitation on the account so i sent the money to my bank account again. Within a hour my account was limited. Almost as if paypal was trying to get me to keep my funds in the account by blocking me from withdrawing although i had no limitation. When it was limited i had to supply tracking numbers i did..the limitation was removed and i was able to withdraw to the same bank account without any problems.

So i think this is just paypal messing around with our money again, just because they can. So just be prepared for limitations at all times.
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