Paypal limitations
I just confirmed all my CC's that I entered into my PAYPAL accounts on Sunday. They charge your CC's for $1.95 and they include a 4 digit code with that withdrawal. You access your PAYPAL account and complete the confirmation process by entering the 4 digit code. Every time I did this a message came up that my limitations had been removed from my account. Is it really that easy? They didn't ask for any other information. They have the name, address, phone number, email account - all of which match up with each other. I also have a confirmed bank account on each PAYPAL account from the 2 little deposits that they put in your bank account. So, I have confirmed both my bank account and CC account for 5 different eBay/PAYPAL accounts. 4 of the CC's are from Gift2Go and one is from (paid for with one of the CC's from a Gift2Go card that I used for another account.) We will see if everything stays OK. I haven't used these accounts yet - and I haven't set up selling accounts yet either. All things in time. I may use tomorrow to start surfing these new accounts like a Newbie and maybe even buy a few things. I have devoted an entire Steno pad to each account and I am writing down everything I do with each account so that I have passwords, emails, User Names, account numbers, ETC. available for each account. I know that Aspkin and Modee say to put all this on an Excel Spreadsheet but I am not too savvy with Excel and I find that I retain more information if I write it down. I may open a few more accounts but my main focus is to use the accounts I have and start the process of setting up a Merchant Account that will allow me to sidestep PAYPAL completely. This is a lot of work but if you do it right the first time, you save yourself a lot of time.