Best BANK ACCOUNTS to use with PAYPAL - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 12-31-2008
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Default Best BANK ACCOUNTS to use with PAYPAL

This would probably help everyone out here. Instead of posting what accounts you believe may work for you, why don't we all post what accounts worked best for us and which didn't. Some additional notes such as how many bank accounts you use, how quickly you opened them, how much money you accepted per account, etc would be very helpful as well.

<b>ING BANK</b>
From June 2008 - Nov 2008 I used ING bank.
I had 30+ accts with them total
The most accounts you can have with them are 25 and then you will need to delete one.
There is a good chance they will eventually call you close your account if you are using alias names on Paypal. This service will probably work if you use your own name and info with Paypal.
I withdrew anywhere from a few hundred to $5000 per savings account at ING.

After they closed my accounts, they did put all my money into my linked bank account without a problem.

<b>Bank of America</b>

I used them for less than a month. I had 9 accounts which they all shut down. I withdrew about the same amounts here. It varied from a few hundred dollars to as high as $3000 on one account. I would recommend going very slow with these guys.

I'm trying a local credit union next to see how that works. Will update when I have more info.
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Old 12-31-2008
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Here's at least one helpful thread.

Also there is a thread in the subscribers' area Means To An End List, which is helpful

topic addressed. You have not used the search engine. thread closed.

Last edited by GreenBean; 12-31-2008 at 07:30 PM.
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