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Old 03-15-2009
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Default PayPal dispute - idiot buyer

Has anyone won a claim when the buyer said they received the package, but some of the contents were missing?

Sold this person an unsealed, but brand new DVD.

Whenever I sell a DVD where the case isn't sealed in plastic I put the DVD in a separate vinyl protective sleeve. Previously I had problems with DVD's coming loose from their cases during shipping and getting scratched. The sleeve has solved that problem, but every once in a while I'll get a message from a buyer that says they received the DVD case, but the DVD is missing. I'll instruct them to look inside the bubble mailer for the sleeve and they're happy.

So in this case I didn't receive a message from the buyer. They head directly to PayPal and file a dispute claiming the item is significantly not as described and the DVD is missing. I immediately respond and tell them about the sleeve. They claim there's nothing else inside the packaging. I respond again, telling them that I've shipped thousands of DVD's this way and I always do it the same way. If I would have forgotten to include the DVD, then I would have it (which I don't). I say it must be in the bubble package and to please check again. That was two days ago and they haven't responded back.

So I'm wondering if they upgrade the dispute to a claim if PayPal will find in their favor or not. All I can prove is that they received the package. Will PayPal automatically take their word over mine and issue a refund?

We're not talking a lot of money so I am contemplating just giving them a refund, adding them to my blocked list and being done with it.

Thoughts and experiences welcome.
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Old 03-15-2009
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Originally Posted by foster View Post
Has anyone won a claim when the buyer said they received the package, but some of the contents were missing?

Sold this person an unsealed, but brand new DVD.

Whenever I sell a DVD where the case isn't sealed in plastic I put the DVD in a separate vinyl protective sleeve. Previously I had problems with DVD's coming loose from their cases during shipping and getting scratched. The sleeve has solved that problem, but every once in a while I'll get a message from a buyer that says they received the DVD case, but the DVD is missing. I'll instruct them to look inside the bubble mailer for the sleeve and they're happy.

So in this case I didn't receive a message from the buyer. They head directly to PayPal and file a dispute claiming the item is significantly not as described and the DVD is missing. I immediately respond and tell them about the sleeve. They claim there's nothing else inside the packaging. I respond again, telling them that I've shipped thousands of DVD's this way and I always do it the same way. If I would have forgotten to include the DVD, then I would have it (which I don't). I say it must be in the bubble package and to please check again. That was two days ago and they haven't responded back.

So I'm wondering if they upgrade the dispute to a claim if PayPal will find in their favor or not. All I can prove is that they received the package. Will PayPal automatically take their word over mine and issue a refund?

We're not talking a lot of money so I am contemplating just giving them a refund, adding them to my blocked list and being done with it.

Thoughts and experiences welcome.
sorry man ive had similar things happen, you are going to lose the claim 100% of time if he escalates , its all over, he will get his money back. you are better off just trying to keep him happy and hopefully salvage a positive feedback at least. sucks, i know, but thats all you can do
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Old 03-16-2009
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give all your buyer satisfaction or your business will be closed because eBay suspended/PayPal limited
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Old 03-17-2009
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After going back and forth with this buyer over several messages they still claim there's no dvd. So I just went ahead and gave them their refund before it got escalated to a claim.
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