advice about accepting payal as a payment method when selling items. - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 03-26-2009
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Default advice about accepting payal as a payment method when selling items.

just some advice guys please.

i have sold a few things on fleabay but offered local pickup only.

one item i had listed was around 150.00 it did not sell but someone asked if i was relisting and would take paypal as a payment method when i relist item if he bought item.

what worrys me is that i think paypal hold the funds untill buyer leaves you feedback etc if im correct and scared as heard horror stories about scams people use.

also worried incase i get conned in like the buyer says hes not recieved item, or does a chargeback or reversal etc etc.

it really worrys me to add paypal to my listings after hearing horror stories about some people getting scammed.

should i be worried?

just wanted to ask some advice when selling and accepting paypal as a payment method so i dont get scammed and lose item or get a reversal etc.

i.e things i make sure i check or do , or things that would stop me getting scammed by buyer.

thanks in advance.

Last edited by zippy; 03-27-2009 at 02:33 AM.
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