My idea for when ebay mails you the power seller package
When an account first becomes a powerseller, it gets this big package. Now people say what if someone else gets it and opens it and NARCs on you to ebay or just returns it.
Well as I was renting a PO Box I thought of this. Now I rented a PO Box in a small town once and well I didn't get so much junk in it. But in a big city now I rented a small PO Box and I get not only junk mail to myself, but I get mail to previous owners of the box. Not just junk or lost mail, but...... collection agency attempts. Last night stock dividends. And I don't bother and go write "FOE" and have it sent back, I just toss it like junk mail.
I don't know if UPS store will be that good as when I had a PO Box in a small town this didn't happen, but mine now in a big city this does happen.
So I'd say right before joining the power seller program, you make your address a PO Box. Or maybe a mail boxes etc.
Oh I forgot to mention how I made a thread about how if you try to forward someone's mail from an innocent box it'll close the mailbox if you do it by name and they have to re-open it and get pissed. If you do a temporary forward, then it'll actually forward all mail no matter what. This is what several employees at the post office confirmed to me.
So change your address to a PO Box or a rented box before the power seller packet and then let the damn thing get sent to someone who will throw it away.
Oh and I just thought of this... actually you should make sure the box is rented out, so walk by the boxes at night to make sure someone is opening a box and use that one. Don't look over their shoulder, just pretend to be going to your own box, remember the geometric layout and then record their number later when they leave. If the mail doesn't go to an open po box, it'll get sent back.