Problem with money transfer to my Stealth bank account. - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Old 10-24-2011
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Default Problem with money transfer to my Stealth bank account.


I have a following issue.
I've opened new Stealth account and been selling for a while. Buyers have been paying by PayPal and also they've done direct money transfers through their online banking to my stealth bank account, which has variation of my real name in eBay.

Now today a customer wrote me, and said that the bank details I've given him are incorrect and he wasn't able to make the payment today, and he's going to try to do it again tomorrow.

He didn't say, but I do suspect that he went to the bank office in person and tried to make the payment with the tellers help.
Here's the question.

Does any of the people here have had similar problems, I'm using Commonwealth Bank.
And how should I solve this issue?

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Old 10-25-2011
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Hello everybody again,

Ok so i didn't get any answers to my questions. I got it myself. Yes my customer went to bank, and he is not able to make the payment because it's my savings account and you can't add cash on that account.
So now he is asking my savings account details to make the payment. The only savings account I have is the one that got limited some time ago.
Here's the next question.
Would it be very stupid idea to change the account number, and send the details to my client again (by email in eBay), leaving all the other information still the same, so he could go back to Commonwealth Bank office and give my stealth name and account number and make this payment?

To you think eBay will read all the emails we send out, and check all the details on these emails?

Or is there some other solution for this issue?

Hopefully there is somebody out there who could help me.

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Old 10-25-2011
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Hopefully other knowledgeable folx will chime in.
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Old 10-30-2011
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Hi, yes this is a problem with some buyers, not the banks.

Some buyers ask the tellers if the names match. I've had this happen and it's a big concern as I'm sure with privacy laws, tellers shouldn't be allowed to tell someone other than the account holder any personal details.
Some buyers who suspect there might be an issue with the feebay account, go into the local branch and ask for details to get your real name.
This is why using PP or Paymate is an easier option.

You should contact your bank and ask if tellers are allowed to give out this information, and if they aren't, which I think is the case, complain.

I have closed accounts when this has happened to me, just to be safe. But it could be too late.
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Old 11-28-2011
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Originally Posted by bluebirds View Post
Hello everybody again,

Would it be very stupid idea to change the account number, and send the details to my client again (by email in eBay), leaving all the other information still the same, so he could go back to Commonwealth Bank office and give my stealth name and account number and make this payment?

To you think eBay will read all the emails we send out, and check all the details on these emails?

i dont think they will i have done this many times
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