Good thinking I have it set up the exact same way.
Your problem is simple. You most likely use the conditional formatting tool right? If you don't then you might aswell.
It doesnt flash, but it gets highlighted red or whatever colour you choose. This is on excel 2010 by the way and will be different on pre-2007 versions.
Select all the rows + columns you want the conditions placed on and go to home>conditional formatting>Highlight Cell Rules>Duplicate values and choose whichever settings you like.
If anyone needs a decent accounts/IP excel file you may use mine. Download accounts.xlsx from - send big files the easy way
Check the bottom of the file to find Accounts, IP, Info tabs.
I'm such an idiot. Oversaved my own accounts file and lost 6 1year accounts as a result :( Luckily it's not my main file with the accounts I use.. just backup accounts. Still, were great accounts :(
Last edited by TheGenius; 03-17-2012 at 11:50 AM.