Once my limit is reached on the first account and I'm selling nothing on that, could I just switch to my second account and sell the items on that?
Selling limit will be applied to all accounts i.e. if your allowance is 50 per month then that is the max allowance for both 2 accounts combined (i.e 25 for each account). Linking was NOT a good approach.
The simple solution is multiple stealth accounts & split the items across them, not regular linked accounts as the restriction limit would apply to all accounts Ebay said my limits would be going up each month but this doesn't appear to be the case, my account is in good standing, great feedback etc. If you already have an established seller account
You may be able to increase the allowances on your account if you have another, more established seller account on eBay. Your other account needs to meet all of these conditions:
You've been a registered seller for at least 90 days.
You don't have any unresolved eBay Buyer Protection cases.
Your detailed seller ratings are at least 4.8 in all areas.
If your account meets all of these conditions, follow the instructions on the Request higher selling allowances page to confirm that you already have an established seller account. If you have a history of selling authentic items
Sellers who have been a seller for at least 90 days with good detailed seller ratings and are confident in the authenticity and origin of their items may be eligible to have their listing allowance increased. We'll consider the following when we determine whether to change selling limits:
Positive buyer Feedback
No unresolved eBay Buyer Protection cases with buyers
Selling history (minimum 3 months) and activity as a seller on the site
Absence of Feedback questioning the authenticity of the item(s)
PayPal verification
History of following eBay policies
General good standing of the account
If your account meets the above factors, contact us and we'll be happy to review your account.
If you don't qualify to have these allowances increased at this time, check again in 30 days. You may be able to list more items in this category or type at that time. These listing allowances only apply to certain categories or types of items, and you can usually continue to list other types of items as long as they also follow our policies.
It's an ill wind that blows no good.
Last edited by SUVE; 05-09-2012 at 10:22 PM.