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Old 05-09-2012
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Default Item specific selling limited and linked accounts

I have a limit on a specific semi-vero item on my 10+ year old account, per 30 days. This means I can only sell half of what I need to sell.

I have another account (5 year old) linked to the account above, which is doing nothing at the moment.

Once my limit is reached on the first account and I'm selling nothing on that, could I just switch to my second account and sell the items on that?

I have read around the forum that limits are divided across accounts but I've also read that they are not. I've read very little about item specific limits.

Ebay said my limits would be going up each month but this doesn't appear to be the case, my account is in good standing, great feedback etc.
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Old 05-09-2012
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Once my limit is reached on the first account and I'm selling nothing on that, could I just switch to my second account and sell the items on that?

Selling limit will be applied to all accounts i.e. if your allowance is 50 per month then that is the max allowance for both 2 accounts combined (i.e 25 for each account). Linking was NOT a good approach.

The simple solution is multiple stealth accounts & split the items across them, not regular linked accounts as the restriction limit would apply to all accounts

Ebay said my limits would be going up each month but this doesn't appear to be the case, my account is in good standing, great feedback etc.

If you already have an established seller account

You may be able to increase the allowances on your account if you have another, more established seller account on eBay. Your other account needs to meet all of these conditions:
You've been a registered seller for at least 90 days.
You don't have any unresolved eBay Buyer Protection cases.
Your detailed seller ratings are at least 4.8 in all areas.

If your account meets all of these conditions, follow the instructions on the Request higher selling allowances page to confirm that you already have an established seller account.

If you have a history of selling authentic items

Sellers who have been a seller for at least 90 days with good detailed seller ratings and are confident in the authenticity and origin of their items may be eligible to have their listing allowance increased. We'll consider the following when we determine whether to change selling limits:
Positive buyer Feedback
No unresolved eBay Buyer Protection cases with buyers
Selling history (minimum 3 months) and activity as a seller on the site
Absence of Feedback questioning the authenticity of the item(s)
PayPal verification
History of following eBay policies
General good standing of the account

If your account meets the above factors, contact us and we'll be happy to review your account.

If you don't qualify to have these allowances increased at this time, check again in 30 days. You may be able to list more items in this category or type at that time. These listing allowances only apply to certain categories or types of items, and you can usually continue to list other types of items as long as they also follow our policies.

It's an ill wind that blows no good.

Last edited by SUVE; 05-09-2012 at 10:22 PM.
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Old 05-10-2012
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Thanks Suve. Though not the answer I was hoping for, lol.

I read on the forum that I can sell in a different category and it will be OK, but if I sell in a comparatively irrelevant / less popular category, won't the final prices on my auctions be much lower? I run auctions so is there any way to maximize my final price while selling in a different category from the optimum category I used to sell in ?
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Old 05-10-2012
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The above reply was in relation to your two key questions in bold.

I also read lots & lots on the forum as well.I understand what you are trying to do & what you mean to say.

This is what EB policy is in regards to what you are thinking of doing:

Important: Don't try to get around these allowances, for example, by listing your items in another (potentially wrong) category. Listing items in the wrong category is a violation of our search & browse manipulation policy.

Please ensure your listing follows these guidelines. If it doesn't, it may be removed, & you may be subject to a range of other actions, including limits of your buying & selling privileges & suspension of your account.

I don't know what other folks will say in regards to this but I am trying to be responsible here in my reply to you.

Make of it what you will.
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Old 05-10-2012
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Well, I listed my items in a different category but it could still be considered correct, even though it's much less accurate. What's your experience of listing in different categories to get around with this 30 day item limit nonsense?

It's either that or call up ebay, and I don't want to talk to them as I've heard many horror stories about accounts getting suspended the next day.

I can't stop selling as I would have to stop 2 weeks every month. Basically, it would cut my sales in half.

I do have other accounts but my IP is static and I can't get mobile broadband reception where I live. In addition, at some point or other I have always linked my previous accounts out of stupidity. I am ADHD and not very good at focusing/paying attention. I figured my old established accounts would serve me well but I've got these silly limits which are way too low.

Does anyone else have any experience of selling in other categories to circumvent this 30 day item selling allowance? How risky is it?
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Old 05-10-2012
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SUaVE is all over this.
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Old 05-10-2012
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What's your experience of listing in different categories to get around with this 30 day item limit nonsense?
---->The simple solution is multiple UNLINKED stealth accounts & split the items across them.<----

I do have other accounts but my IP is static and I can't get mobile broadband reception where I live.
---->I was going to suggest a dongle. What area/region are you in, in the UK that your internet reception is beyond the remits of a dongle ???

Does anyone else have any experience of selling in other categories to circumvent this 30 day item selling allowance? How risky is it?
---->You imperil your accounts at your own risk. Bear that in mind.I'll be intrigued what others might have to say on this.
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Old 05-10-2012
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Read this again - only one comment, if you use the 2nd LINKED account to bypass your selling limits on your 1st account AND EB KNOWS THIS - you can expect termination across the board.
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Old 05-10-2012
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Yeah, but my IP is my main problem. A year or so ago I could maintain stealth accounts as my broadband IP is pretty dynamic. Now they've changed it to static.

And don't start about dongles - I had a nightmare with them with multiple providers! Where I live they just do not work! My mobile phone only has reception about 10% of the time here.

Re, using my second linked account, yeah, that's what I thought. So listed in a different category. It's still quite relevant but I am not sure how much risk it carries. If I don't do it, I lose thousands.
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Old 05-10-2012
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Hmm, It would help me to help you if you could state your region/locale as I am from the UK as well. Who is your ISP that you use ??? You can PM if you don't wish to state this openly.

You are obviously aware that you circumvent the Item selling allowances at your own risk & in full knowledge of any consequences this may have on any of your accounts. You have been warned.

I provided you the information direct from the horses mouth on this.

It's an ill wind that blows no good.
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