Need to write clearer Mel but I think I understand.
You used a non-suspended business paypal account for payment from your new ebay account sales. The paypal account is in good standing but the former eBay account that was attached to it is now suspended.
That being said, yes you can open a new eBay account - problem is you will have to match info with paypal (which matches the old ebay info) - so you can imagine the potential problems. Your paypal may live through all this nonsense but you will sooner or later become suspended on eBay again.
Doesn't hurt to try - have you made withdrawals from that paypal before? If yes you might live ok from it until eBay shuts you down. Sooner or later though, expect your paypal account to get gone.
Such a hassle though Mel. You should use new verified paypal and then creatively get payments to your old business account - or something like that. Really should keep everything separate.
Wish you all the best though. Let us know.