Do we really need a LICENSE to sell to prevent all this "violation"? - eBay Suspended & PayPal Limited Forums
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Suspensions & Reinstatement Talk VeRO, Seller Non Performance, Trademark misuse, 7-Day Suspension, MC999, New Account Limitations, Non-Payment, Abusing eBay and Whatever else eBay comes up with.

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Old 12-26-2018
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Angry Do we really need a LICENSE to sell to prevent all this "violation"?

Just a question since I read a lot of us here get copyright violation emails from a lot of selling sites like Ebay, Ioffer, Bonanza, Etsy, Amazon etc.

Do we really need license to sell online?

A few examples that have happened to me :

A) I went to Disneyland Florida, bought some merchandise there. After a few months down the road, I decide to sell them, put them on line and then I get an email from Amazon claiming that it's a Copyright Infringement.

But I bought the bloody thing from Orlando! right inside Disneyland for god sake! They didn't want to believe me, so they stopped me from selling and penalize my points.

B) I bought an original CASIO watch many many years from a Casio authorized dealer in Europe. Definitely original since it's comes with a Certificate. Decided to sell it so I list it up on After a few weeks, I get an email from Ioffer saying that they have removed that CASIO listing because it "Violates iOffer's Terms of Use or Listing Policy".

C) I bought an original DVD (An old Ninja Turtles movie) from Singapore way back in 1995. Decide to sell it in 2017. So I put it up on E-Bay. And after a few months, I get an email saying my listing was removed due to unauthorised copy of owner's copyrighted work. Then again, there are plenty of other sellers selling the same product!!

D) I collect Starbucks Mug and Tumblers. Decide to sell one on Amazon. I clearly put it as Starbucks since it comes from Starbucks. Few days later got an email from Amazon claiming that I am selling an unauthentic item and they immediately suspend my account without even listening to my plea. The fact that my Starbucks Mug and tumblers were bought from a STARBUCKS outlet from all over the world and I am being accused for selling an inauthentic product, is just a sign that the world is sick!

So my question is, do we really need a LICENSE to sell? What can the average joe like us SELL? I won't be surprised if I were to sell a SNICKERS bar and SNICKERS would take down the listing and claim that I am selling an UNAUTHORIZED version of Snickers simply because they, the owners, don't want me to sell.

Last edited by mcdsweet98; 12-26-2018 at 09:54 PM.
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Old 05-21-2019
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Default Re: Do we really need a LICENSE to sell to prevent all this "violation"?

This really depends on the platform. Since they have no idea of how to verify the item you have is authentic. Best rule of thumb is just to stay away from these items, especially as a new seller. Older sellers, at least on ebay, seem to get preferential treatment.
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