Originally Posted by shannon I received a Mc999 trademark violation this morning for both of my 2 listings on ebay.....As I had both listings taken down for the same reason, does that mean I have received 2 Mc999 or 1???? I only got one email from ebay regarding both listings which were both taken off.
I haven't been suspended yet, but if I re list other items in he future that I may be given a Mc999 again and will that mean I will be permanently suspended....im confused??? please help!!!!! | 1. YES you just got 2 mc999 notices, if both listings are listed in the e-mail then yes you have been served with 2.
2. Walk away from ebay with that item , or find another creative way to list the item's. but if you do relist, the clock is ticking, as they will find it and shut it down.
Time to look for a new product line....
Oh and welcome to the community! Wish you luck..
Last edited by GreenBean; 02-06-2014 at 05:07 AM.