Generally eBay will not give you your money if you do not provide a tracking number, sometimes in my accounts I have seen that they say example:
It will be released on day 3 and then on day 3 it says now expect day 7...
That's really normal...
You should always be adding tracking to your orders if you want a healthy account. If you ever got MC011 without tracking on orders it's almost a guaranteed suspension.
You should always be adding tracking to your orders if you want a healthy account. If you ever got MC011 without tracking on orders it's almost a guaranteed suspension.
It is necessary that you always upload the tracking number to your sales, but one recommendation is that if your shipments are from China and you sell in the United States, never include the China Post numbers.
Generally eBay will not give you your money if you do not provide a tracking number, sometimes in my accounts I have seen that they say example:
It will be released on day 3 and then on day 3 it says now expect day 7...
That's really normal...
happens regularly - seems dependent on both items sold and nature of buyer payment/location
Unless you add tracking your payment will be delayed, the account is probably under scrutiny anyway as there is just dispatched being marked down. I do a 2 day handling and get paid next day before I dispatch the order because I always use tracking numbers and have a low late delivery record.
IT IS multi factors: but I think the most important thing is shipping time. although everything will also be determined by how the platform takes your account and evaluates it in executed sales.
Your Ebay emails come from different bots,the first one does not know how and when you are going to ship,the second one comes after you either mark it shipped or shipped with tracking,so I would say trust the second email.