Why would Ebay give 2 vero mc999 notices but leave my other like items still active
Hi, I received 2 vero notices today MC999 on Otterbox's I was selling (same style, different color). They removed 2 listing, however I still have 5 current active listings of Otterbox's.
The 2 that were taken down, I did violate ebay policy with copying another listing from another seller than used a picture of the actual case from the direct otterbox website. Could this be why it was removed (maybe the other seller saw I copied his discription) or did Otterbox flag?
I'm just confused as to why the others were not removed and what should I do about them now. I know I shouldn't have copied another description and frankly don't know why I did. I never do.
But on the other listings they are my own pictures and descriptions. I apoligize if I should post somewhere else other than here. I did post on another thread, but didn't think it related to me. |