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VeRO Verified Rights Owner discussions

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Old 08-24-2008
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Default VeRO's to particularly avoid?

I've gone through a closed thread that had 411 posts in 1 sitting about VeRO, and it dawned on me there should probably be a VeRO thread for people to post only the most crazy VeRO's out there to avoid at all costs.

Taser: If you want a good chuckle, read Taser's VeRO page. They will take your listings down for any of a thousand reasons. For example, they will remove your listing if you use Taser as a verb... I would post their whole page here but they would probably sue me lol
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Old 08-24-2008
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Selling Virtual Items for Online Games... That's a no-no in eBay.
Old 08-24-2008
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I sell golf stuff, so I can give input on golf brands.....

I realise that some brands may be ok in, but not in or anyway:

1) Cleveland golf (got my listing pulled on au)
2) Titleist golf (got my listing pulled on, but nothing happened on
3) Babolat (tennis) listing got pulled on, but nothing happened on
Old 08-24-2008
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Originally Posted by aspkin View Post
Selling Virtual Items for Online Games... That's a no-no in eBay.
Yes, I noticed a couple of my saved sellers got suspended around the same time- 1 sold guides to making online currencies, another created macro software for online games like eve that do things automatically for your character. I've seen many over time get bumped that sell the currencies themselves. But there's always listings up, new id's in many cases. I think the money's probably too good for some people to stay away from this market. 1 seller I've had saved awhile really cracks me up- he sells warcraft guides among other things- a large collection of guides he's found others created and then he puts this hilarious copyright notice that says he has a lawyer ready to go sue people that knock him off. Kind of like a bootlegger going after people who knock off his bootlegs lol

My guess on the golf balls is some companies respond at the regional level- uk division going after uk sellers etc. Also, I imagine VeRO tool is set up for each eBay site. Some will be using market research tools and have not subscribed to every country- and don't think that private listings/feedback protect you here. They only protect the regular eBay completed listings view.

J (then lincoln's 1st name) really goes after people. If I posted his name, he would find this site and throw a fit. He's a marketing consultant who charges big money for his stuff. His receptionist combs ebay for his stuff and gets listings taken down if you have multiple sets of something, even over a period of time. He has taken small time people to court in the past from what I hear- doesn't matter how many thousands of dollars he earns in a day, gets really mad if he thinks someone is making a couple bucks off his material no matter how big of a waste of time it is for him.

Last edited by anonymous; 08-24-2008 at 04:16 PM.
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