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Old 03-29-2009
the80skidcloset the80skidcloset is offline
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Default PP Alternatives - CCNow/Propay/MoneyBookers/Paymate & Sharing Info with eBay/Paypal

I just had a question about the various other approved eBay payment methods like ProPay, Moneybookers, and Paymate, as well as the only Paypal accepting, non-PP merchant account, CCNow.

Do any of these services share information (SSN, IP, personal info) with eBay, Paypal and/or the customer?

I am in the process of getting/setting up a merchant account, but I am also considering signing up for CCNow for the brainwashed Gaypal'ers, as well as ProPay/MoneyBookers/Paymate for the international buyers unwilling/unable to use the merchant account or CCNow.

However my concern is that since all these services require you to give certain personal info (address, phone, etc.) and both ProPay, and Paymate require you to give even more confidential info (SSN, business info, etc.) do they give/share any of this information with eBay, Paypal, and/or your customers?

If so should you use ⊗⊗⊗⊗ info - at least on CCNow, and MoneyBookers? What about ProPay and Paymate?

If I give my genuine personal and business information to ProPay and Paymate, will they give that to eBay and Paypal, causing me to be linked with previous suspended accounts and suspended again??

I really need to find this out before I open this can of worms, and possibly destroy even one of my Pre-11/07 accounts!
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