View Full Version : eBay & Paypal Horror Stories

  1. introduction
  2. How to set up the system to work with paypal?
  3. Prepaid phones in the UK
  4. New accounts need to know this
  5. Permanently Suspended Ebay account
  6. Cannot get my my money back from PayPal after 234 days account was put on limitation
  7. Proof of Purchase issue, how do i get around this one?,....Read on,...
  8. refused instant tranfer to bank
  9. Paypal phone number issue
  10. Time for a change
  11. Paypal stealth limit
  12. 3 ebay Accounts 2 with a 7 day suspended need advise!
  13. Ebay story from new member to this forum
  14. purchase eBay stealth guide
  15. paypal temporarily limited without any notification
  16. Never Again
  17. New here. And I'm very confused
  18. Banned from PayPal for being a victim
  19. PayPal consistently troubling.
  20. Permanent suspension from paypal
  21. Need help in unlocking the EBAY profile
  22. Hi
  23. Buyer return issue with Ebay
  24. New guy here,a few questions before buying the guide/subscription
  25. Paypal Limit
  26. Paypal 'Account Limitation/closed' My tales of woe!!
  27. New ebay account to buy
  28. Paypal want my first CC numbers.....
  29. I'm new here. Who can help me?
  30. Ebay restricted due to false 'out of stock' refund defects.
  31. Cease and Desist Letter - Vorys
  32. Robbed-Personal belongings sold on eBay- is penalizing me!
  33. My eBay HORROR Story!
  34. Ebay UK MC113
  35. suspendid
  36. I've got ebay suspension, can i sell same items on friends account?
  37. eBay's Darling for two years until August 22nd
  38. Suspended for Counterfeit items, even though I made them, lol
  39. competitor threatening
  41. Hello
  42. Ebay closed 3 of my accounts in the last week !!!
  43. Indefinite selling restrictions....
  44. Suspended From Ebay Again! Help! UK
  45. Hello everyone in the forum
  46. Can't do it no more
  47. Banned for life, but Paypal still on my side??
  48. i hate paypal
  49. Hello everyone
  50. A funny/disturbing ebay scammer story
  51. Paypal Chargeback on my item sold on eBay
  52. Just been SUSPENDED from Ebay....
  53. evil ebay-no luck for the irish
  54. good & bad..
  55. Amazing Violin story
  56. Problem because of foo-foo item I sold
  57. Ebay horror story
  58. Hello there Everybody
  59. limited by paypal
  60. so so confused
  61. annonce suspendu
  62. want to buy ebay account
  63. New to Site
  64. No Christmas for my kids
  65. How I Got Suspended
  66. Ive got hundreds of horror stories
  67. Paypal limited just for having two ebay accounts
  68. Ebay is about to DESTROY me & my family Part 1
  69. fraud 755$ and negative feedback by scam artist buyer
  70. Should I refund him?
  71. Paypal case reversal
  72. Paypal hijacks my $2500 for 6 months
  73. Buyer Beware: SCJ Group LLC, scaudio.com , scjpro.com, eBay User: SCJAudio
  74. Amazing how things change..
  75. My Own Tale of PP Hell
  76. Oh my god, ebay is the worst ever (feedback)
  77. Some stuff
  78. I regret not blocking all foreign buyers in November and December
  79. My story
  80. Good link, lots of stories
  81. tips to win disputes/claim?
  82. $9000 Gone and Ebay did nothing about it, Paypal never recovered my $2000
  83. Why paypal is bad for consumers and banks
  84. 2 disputes- I got stuck in middle and guess what Paypal said?
  85. ebay market place chat - My EBAY story
  86. My story
  87. Does ebay notice
  88. BooMer Story
  89. >.MEMBERS--of the Ebay LIFERS Program ???
  90. HOE's Story
  91. my story....
  92. Why does eBay force a seller to use Paypal?
  93. My Story
  94. My Horrible Weekend!
  95. My Suspension Story
  96. Rachel Marsden
  97. ** Ebayhateluvs Story.. **
  98. OUR Stories.. Our Saga....
  99. Difference between ebay answering emails for power sellers vs not
  100. Paypal Horror Stories