those cards OP created and the utility bills are reasons why his accounts are suspended.
Buying the merchandise from AMZN and then ship to your buyer is not a profitable business,it is buying retail and selling retail.
Find the wholesaler and buy from them instead.
AMZN does not like your business model,period
AMZN FBA is not free,small items,it is better to hoard and ship yourself
AMZN also charges a fee for storage and if the items do not sell,you still have to pay and if you want it return or destroyed,you have to pay
Originally Posted by screwpaypal first of all it is profitable else I wouldnt bother doing it, have been doing it for 1 years with 100k+ saved.
i prob got detected with creative doc maybe they upped their detection or some **** who knows |
No,they are cleaning house,what you and zillions are doing is exploiting others who use their hard earned capital,labor and bear the risk so you can make a few bucks .
I wonder why it takes AMZN so long to catch on,how can anyone be sending gifts every day to everyone around the world?
It is so god damn obvious,look at the ship to address,and look at you,you are not exactly Bill Gates,where does your money come from and why are you so generous sending gifts allover the place?
weber grill,airfryer,hairdryer,nite cream,ipod,iapd,pc,laptop,perfume,handbag,shoes,pa nts,sandals,paper,ink cartridge,frying pan,anti itch,fungal cure,???
Once I bought a roll of scotch tape,and it was dropshipped from AMZN?