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Old 03-19-2011
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Default Amazon review + detecting via connected device?


I have a few questions about Amazon. I purchased both the eBay and Amazon guides and thought they were great!

I was first banned from Amazon for not having enough feedback to support my sales. I sold a few grand in items not even thinking that I would have any kind of selling restrictions since this wasn't presented to me when I registered. I only had about 5 positive feedback to support a few grand in sales. Needless to say, I did not pass the review and was banned.

I started a new account when I opened a retail store (so I wasn't banned since I had a new computer, new router, address, ect). This account lasted for a while and same thing. Banned. I had about 10 feedback, and all 5 stars but they said that because I had one 4 star rating it indicated that I was not keeping up to their standards. I call BS but anyway.

Now I have a new account. I am starting off by selling items around $10. I sell about 2 a day. I am hoping to build feedback from these items. Is selling a larger quantity of items but with smaller prices a good idea? How many feedback do I need to pass this initial review?

If I do pass the initial review (after $750 or 30 days), then what happens? Then do I have unlimited selling abilities? Will Amazon tell me what my selling limits are?

Also, I have a new computer that I have been using for just my Amazon account. This is a laptop computer I bought from a friend who received it new but didn't need it. I paid $100, but the laptop is worth around $1500 so I was going to sell it on eBay. I have a Macbook Pro that I want to use. I was using the Macbook at my store with my second account. I am going to do a complete system restore on the Macbook and reinstall the OS. Will I be okay? I change my IP/Mac address on the router regularly. Will reinstalling my OS on my Macbook change the computer's Mac Address?

Also, there is another computer which is connected via an ethernet cable to the same router. I have logged onto the banned account with this PC. When I am on Amazon and connected with this router, should I disconnect the cable that is going to this PC? Or will that not make a difference? (Am I being paranoid? LOL)

Thank you!!!
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Old 03-20-2011
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Hi what i know your linking and band account to a new computer you basically compromised that computer.
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Old 03-20-2011
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Originally Posted by HelpNeeded! View Post
Will reinstalling my OS on my Macbook change the computer's Mac Address?
Not a chance.
The MAC is a hard coded number on the network cards.
The MAC will have to be spoofed to even think about getting around the MAC linking.
Once you go Mac you will never go back
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Old 03-20-2011
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Originally Posted by HelpNeeded! View Post
Now I have a new account. I am starting off by selling items around $10. I sell about 2 a day. I am hoping to build feedback from these items. Is selling a larger quantity of items but with smaller prices a good idea? How many feedback do I need to pass this initial review?

If I do pass the initial review (after $750 or 30 days), then what happens? Then do I have unlimited selling abilities? Will Amazon tell me what my selling limits are?

Thank you!!!
Amazon likes you to have 20% feedback which is possible if you ask for feedback and you may need to go further.....I would send a small refund with some of the items. At least until you get past the 30 day review.
Even being on this website, I thought VERO meant anything electronic that can be misconstrued as ⊗⊗⊗⊗ so I have only sold a few really large items which technically, are not VERO. Never sold anything ⊗⊗⊗⊗ on any of my accounts, ever

Might be wise to wait until after the 30 day review, and until you have enough feedback to sustain listing a large item(say over $150) Can't see it going wrong that way

I am selling about $2300 per month and haven't had a second review yet. I sell about $250 more each month on this account, trying to creep up slowly....


Last edited by Melissa1971; 03-20-2011 at 04:55 PM.
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