You need a new IP.
You should also be aware that is you sell more than $750 or so in a 30 day period, your account will be scrutinized.
Also, if I am reading your post correctly, you started a new account from a friend's computer, on THEIR IP. So, you applied to sell in a restricted category and were accepted. But when Amazon sees the account logging on from a different PC and IP address, it will draw their attention as well. Even more so if you are selling high-risk items.
Also, if your friend has an Amazon account, and yours gets blocked, his/hers will most likely be too.
I see many red flags here. You REALLY NEED the Stealth Book. No, I do not benefit if you buy it. But I think it is your best option. True, is is written for eBay, but all of the stealth rules apply to Amazon also. And with Amazon, as you already know, extra steps must be taken. However, the extra steps won't mean anything if you do not have the basic techniques down pat first.