"Inappropriate items" still for sale?
I recently opened an Amazon account. I sold quite a few items, but of course started slowly to avoid raising any red flags. I had received all 5 star ratings, no chargebacks, nothing. All customers were happy, all items shipped same or next day.
In about 2 weeks into having the account, I get an email saying that my account is being reviewed and will be completed in 30 days.
30 days later I get an email saying I am suspended from selling but they are reviewing my account to see what the status of it will be. I am told that this review will be another 30 days, but that this time I will not be able to have items for sale, unlike last time.
30 days later I get an email saying my account was suspended for listing "inappropriate items". Basically, I was selling rapid fire Xbox 360 controllers. If you search this item on Amazon, you get 961 results. I was selling items that were already up for sale, and making a few of my own as well..
All my items which were "inappropriate" are still listed on Amazon, many of which are being sold by other sellers. I appealed the Amazon suspension and was denied.
What gives? Is there anything I can do? Now I need to wait an additional 90 days (plus the 60 I already waited) for my money. I am thinking of getting a lawyer. Besides, we should get interest on this correct?
I am under the assumption that the whole Amazon selling account thing is a scam by Amazon. Okay so a lot of us on here have had 5-10k easily being held for 90 days. Imagine how many of us there are? At any given moment, it can be assumed that Amazon is holding LARGE amounts of money, all for 90+ days. While this is going on, they are earning interest on our money. Imagine them opening a CD for 90 days (hmmmm) and collecting interest on that. Since they are holding so much money, they are earning ridiculous intereset. Do we get a cut? No, we get screwed.
Amazon had no basis to suspend me. I had all great performance standards, and the items I am selling are non-Vero. They refuse to give me an explanation. Seems like it is impossible to have an account...