Real bank acc linked to PayPal?
Hi I am new here. I had a eBay account and been working on eBay for more than 4 years. Just got suspended recently. I discovered this site and paid for the Stealth Book. I have a question:
I had registered a new stealth eBay account with new IP (with new paid VPN), new email and new PayPal account. I created PayPal account with my Nickname+Real Last Name (eg. Mary Chan, instead of Chan xxx xxx) I linked this new PayPal account with my Real Bank Account (this bank account has never been used in any PayPal before), now just waiting for the PayPal code in my bank to get verified in a few days.
I do this because I don’t know how to make a virtual bank account or VCC (I’m from HK, not US/UK/EU, so it seems hard).
Is this a problem to link real bank account (sure real name) to this new PayPal? Will they know it’s the person who got suspended?
Thank you.