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Credit Card Alternatives Prepaid, Gift, Debit and Credit Cards. Credit Card Alternatives. Bank Account Verification and Alternatives.

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Old 11-06-2009
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Default How do Virtual Credit card businesses work?

Can someone please explain to me how these virtual credit card businesses work?

I see these websites all over the internet where people are selling vcc's to verify Paypal, iOffer, eBay. Google Adwords etc. How are they getting them to sell in the first place? (those that aren't scams of course).

More importantly, what about the guys selling USA Bank accounts to verify a Paypal account? They can't be opening up hundreds of bank accounts and then selling the account numbers to people are they? Wouldn't the banks start getting suspicious if one guy is opening all these accounts?

And why do they have a limited shelf life? It seems that all these seller's of vcc's and bank accounts stipulate that they expire in 24 to 48 hours.

I mean, here I am looking myself for a VCC and Bank Account to verify my Paypal account so I could make money selling on eBay, and then the question occurred to me: How are these guys making money? Why don't I just do what they are doing? They can't be going out and buying loads of Visa Gift Cards from CVS. The minimum denomination is $25 yet I see the VCC's selling for like $10. Plus they would have to be registered in the name of the person buying them right? So it's not like more than one person can be registered to the same card.

I know I'm probably asking for trade secrets here but I need to know this.
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Old 11-07-2009
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There are members here who supply these cards, I did ask once by pm , not because I wanted to sell them but because, I wanted to know which bank issued it, in case of a limitation and screenshoot scenario, but they dont give away their sources, why should for making multiple bank accounts, too risky, same with supplying people with id, wouldnt touch it... if a big crime is committed using your supplied bank account - it will lead to your door...

Last edited by oompaloompa; 11-07-2009 at 04:42 AM.
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